Usability, UX Design, Information Architecture, Interaction Design and whatnot. Brought to you by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
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Human passion, undocking UX monoliths, type variables in Figma

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.“In an era where AI can paint like Picasso and write like Hemingway, the line between human genius and silicon savvy blurs. We were once advised to chase our dreams and turn our passions into paychecks. But what happens when the canvas of our dreams becomes a playground for algorithms that...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:35
Dating apps are setting men and women up for failure — but for different reasons

Men are being devalued online, and it’s ultimately hurting everyoneContinue reading on UX Collective »

Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:35
The purposes of life (and design)

Principles of living systems to inform UX & designImage generated with DALL·E 3In early 2011, I was glued to YouTube. The Arab Spring was in its early swing, the Tunisian uprising had just toppled the president, so quickly, cleanly, amidst celebratory protests and poetic chants. Within weeks, Egypt followed, with massive crowds flooding the streets,...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:34
Attractive things work better sometimes

How visually appealing designs influence user perception and the importance of balancing aesthetics with functionalityContinue reading on UX Collective »

Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:33
How to avoid the structure trap

Most discussions on structure focus on centralised or matrix, but the departments in which those teams sit can make or break your product.When the Spotify Model emerged in 2012, the world was entranced. Many companies tried and failed to replicate Spotify’s cultural success, mostly because they didn’t have Spotify’s people.We learned that you can’t...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 18:42
Nod to confirm: head gestures in digital interaction

Nod to confirm: Head gestures in digital interactionIncorporating head gestures in interaction with technology can open up new levels of synchronicity and emotional connections with innovative social technologies.Image generated using from the prompt ”A human and a strange robot looking at each other.”Why head gestures?Head gestures are...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:39

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