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[D] Evaluating LLMs Long-Context performance: What are the best practices?

What specific metrics are considered most reliable for assessing the coherence and relevance of outputs in extended contexts? Are there established benchmarks or are we still in need of developing new ones? What kind of test suites or frameworks are being used? submitted by /u/kiockete [link] [comments]

Tue Apr 30, 2024 15:33
[R] Measuring Vision-Language STEM Skills of Neural Models

We introduce a new challenge to test the STEM skills of neural models, which has been accepted by ICLR 2024. Authors: Jianhao Shen, Ye Yuan, Srbuhi Mirzoyan, Ming Zhang, Chenguang Wang Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.17205 Leaderboard: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stemdataset/stem-leaderboard Dataset: https://huggingface.co/datasets/stemdataset/STEM...

Tue Apr 30, 2024 15:33
Free LLM for my interview preparation application [P]

I'm currently working on developing a custom interview preparation application, and I'm in need of some guidance. Specifically, I'm looking for a free Language Model (LM) with fine-tuning capabilities that I can use to enhance the app's functionality. Ideally, I'm searching for a Language Model that: Is free to use for commercial purposes. Supports...

Tue Apr 30, 2024 15:33
[D] Using machine learning to compare progression between images in two time points?

So let's say I have 1000 data; 500 images of CT-scan before intervention and 500 images of CT-scan after intervention. Is it possible to use deep image learning to find the difference in % or to know the progression? or any possible suggestions on how to achieve it? Thank you submitted by /u/Satou-L [link] [comments]

Tue Apr 30, 2024 15:33
[R] Get to know about Machine Learning Ideas and Projects

The importance of machine learning is quite visible, and that’s why developers are willingly learning this technology. With the spread of machine learning more professionals are taking up in function of engineers for machine learning. You can learn any technology very easily by learning it practically. That’s why open-source machine learning projects...

Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:33
[D] ChatGPT is just glorified autocorrect

From what I understand of GPT and other LLMs, what they essentially do, is just predict the next token given a sequence of tokens. No reasoning, just cold hard statistics. ​ For this reason, I believe that programmers are still decades away from being replaced by AI. Especially by LLM based AI like Devin. ​ Please, change my mind submitted by ...

Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:33

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