Thinking about magic, cyborgs, robots, and artificial intelligence--and why some of those words could use changing--since 1982.
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Appendix A: An Imagined and Incomplete Conversation about “Consciousness” and “AI,” Across Time

Tweet Every so often, I think about the fact of one of the best things my advisor and committee members let me write and include in my actual doctoral dissertation, and I smile a bit, and since I keep wanting to share it out into the world, I figured I should put it somewhere more accessible. So with all of that said, we now rejoin An Imagined and...

Wed Sep 20, 2023 01:04
My New Article at WIRED

Tweet So, you may have heard about the whole zoom “AI” Terms of Service  clause public relations debacle, going on this past week, in which Zoom decided that it wasn’t going to let users opt out of them feeding our faces and conversations into their LLMs. In 10.1, Zoom defines “Customer Content” as whatever data users provide or generate (“Customer...

Sat Aug 12, 2023 07:25
My New Article at American Scientist

Tweet As of this week, I have a new article in the July-August 2023 Special Issue of American Scientist Magazine. It’s called “Bias Optimizers,” and it’s all about the problems and potential remedies of and for GPT-type tools and other “A.I.” This article picks up and expands on thoughts started in “The ‘P’ Stands for Pre-Trained” and in a few threads...

Fri Jul 7, 2023 19:17
The “P” Stands for Pre-trained

Tweet I know I’ve said this before, but since we’re going to be hearing increasingly more about Elon Musk and his “Anti-Woke” “A.I.” “Truth GPT” in the coming days and weeks, let’s go ahead and get some things out on the table: All technology is political. All created artifacts are rife with values. There is no neutral tech. And there never, ever...

Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:27
Further Thoughts on the “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights”

Tweet So with the job of White House Office of Science and Technology Policy director having gone to Dr. Arati Prabhakar back in October, rather than Dr. Alondra Nelson, and the release of the “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” (henceforth “BfaAIBoR” or “blueprint”) a few weeks after that, I am both very interested also pretty worried to see what...

Sun Dec 4, 2022 06:09
I’m Not Afraid of AI Overlords— I’m Afraid of Whoever’s Training Them To Think That Way

Tweet I’m Not Afraid of AI Overlords— I’m Afraid of Whoever’s Training Them To Think That Way by Damien P. Williams I want to let you in on a secret: According to Silicon Valley’s AI’s, I’m not human. Well, maybe they think I’m human, but they don’t think I’m me. Or, if they think I’m me and that I’m human, they think I don’t deserve expensive medical...

Fri Oct 8, 2021 09:31

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