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2018 – Year of the Quantum Computer?

Intel throws down the quantum gauntlet. Computers could be about to enter a brand new era. Transistor-based computing has been enjoying the limelight for the past few decades, while its misunderstood, temperamental sibling, quantum computing, has been biding its time in the wings. But with companies recently revealing their advancing efforts, 2018...

Sun Feb 18, 2018 20:47
2018 – Year of the Quantum Computer?

Intel throws down the quantum gauntlet. Computers could be about to enter a brand new era. Transistor-based computing has been enjoying the limelight for the past few decades, while its misunderstood, temperamental sibling, quantum computing, has been biding its time in the wings. But with companies recently revealing their advancing efforts, 2018...

Sun Feb 18, 2018 17:36
Inverted Inferno

A paradox world in a distant star system. The mysterious world of exoplanets continues to get stranger, with the first ever discovery of titanium oxide in a planetary atmosphere outside our Solar System. The unusual properties of the molecule means that it can absorb heat, not allowing it to escape, leading to the outer regions of the distant world...

Sun Jan 14, 2018 17:57
Inverted Inferno

A paradox world in a distant star system. The mysterious world of exoplanets continues to get stranger, with the first ever discovery of titanium oxide in a planetary atmosphere outside our Solar System. The unusual properties of the molecule means that it can absorb heat, not allowing it to escape, leading to the outer regions of the distant world...

Sun Jan 14, 2018 14:53
Trump Pulls US out of Climate Agreement

An American not in Paris. Joining Syria and Nicaragua* as the only countries in the world not to sign the Paris Agreement on climate change, President Donald Trump has officially announced that the US will be withdrawing from globally agreed goals to slow the warming of our planet. “Not only does this deal subject our citizens to harsh economic...

Sat Jul 8, 2017 13:56
Dark Matter Might be a WIMP After All

In this case, dark is no misnomer. So little is known about dark matter — and its unrelated but similarly enigmatic cousin, dark energy — that scientists aren’t even sure it really exists. But two separate teams of physicists researching the elusive stuff have now come to very similar conclusions about its composition, based on data taken by an instrument...

Sat Jul 8, 2017 13:56

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