330 followers 7 artykułów/tydzień
A DIY bottle-labeling machine perfect for homebrewers

While it is certainly possible (and common) to put homebrewed beer into kegs, that requires regulated gas and large refrigeration space. A keg is also more difficult to transport and overkill if you just want to bring a few beers to a friend’s backyard BBQ. For those reasons, many homebrewers bottle their beer. Those homebrewers will want to...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 21:00
A pair of Arduino UNO R4 boards power this Tron-inspired, decked-out shop room

Bob Clagett of the “I Like to Make Stuff” YouTube channel has recently undertaken an extensive shop renovation project where he is rearranging tools, tidying up various spaces, and even creating a dedicated “clean” room for his collection of 3D printers and electronics work. With its jet-black walls, Clagett felt it needed some RGB lighting...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 18:01
Improve laser engraving speeds with an Arduino-controlled turntable

Engraving items with a laser-based system at home is amazingly convenient for one-off parts, but what happens when the production volume needs to increase? For element14 Presents host Clem Mayer, this usually meant preparing many uniform pieces of engraving stock, opening the laser’s enclosure, placing down the material, and then finally running...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 16:46
Massive tentacle robot draws massive attention at EMF Camp

Most of the robots we feature only require a single Arduino board, because one Arduino can control several motors and monitor a bunch of sensors. But what if the robot is enormous and the motors are far apart? James Bruton found himself in that situation when he constructed this huge “tentacle” robot and his solution was to put an Arduino in...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 23:33
How makers can use AR and VR

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are both currently experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity, with the combined market expected to reach $77 billion by 2025, from just $15.3 billion in 2020. For makers, AR and VR represent exciting opportunities to build new types of projects, tapping into entirely new possibilities and...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 15:19
A gamified approach to therapy and motor skills testing

For children who experience certain developmental delays, specific types of physical therapies are often employed to assist them in improving their balance and motor skills/coordination. Ivan Hernandez, Juan Diego Zambrano, and Abdelrahman Farag were looking for a way to quantify the progress patients make while simultaneously presenting a gamified...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 02:59

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