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What’s The #1 Diet For Fat Loss? Low-Fat Diets vs Low-Carb Diets

As someone who has struggled with weight myself, writing this post wasn’t necessarily fun. I remember being about 40 lbs heavier 3 years ago (at my heaviest I was 185 lbs) and people casually bringing my weight into everyday conversation like, “you’d look really good if you were athletic”, or “you should try to loose that baby fat” and so on. After...

Mon Aug 21, 2017 00:05
What is the Gut-Brain Axis? Can What We Eat Affect How We Feel?

What if I told you that there is a kind of neglected organ-hub in your body that weighs just as much as the brain, and in some ways is just as important to our survival but is treated with disregard and we’re just beginning to understand how it works? Turns out we do have something like that, our gut, or rather it’s microbes. The idea that the trillions...

Sun Jul 23, 2017 06:01
Are We Living In A Simulation? In’s and Out’s of the Dyson sphere & Matrioshka Brain.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” is one of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein. Even the thought of equating reality with illusion might seem oxymoronic but why don’t we humor this thought for this blog post and delve deeper into the what’s, if’s, and how’s of living in a simulation. What I mean by the word simulation,...

Wed Jun 21, 2017 07:11
Would You Like A Designer Baby? 👶

When someone says “Genetic Engineering” our mind goes to a future (not-so-far-anymore) scenario where beings with modified physical traits are abundant but the truth is they have always been around us; we have been engineering life for thousands of years. Through selective breeding we strengthened useful traits in plants and animals for generations...

Tue May 30, 2017 00:02
What Are Super Bugs? Will They Kill Us?

When I think about all the ways an apocalyptic mass extinction event could happen I always think of an asteroid hitting the earth, a nuclear war breaking out, or AIs taking over the earth ( Needless to say, I posses unbridled imagination. Recently I have been willing to consider a fourth,...

Fri May 12, 2017 15:12
Why Are Bees Disappearing?

Next time you’re stung by a bee you might wanna squash the urge to fight back. There are not many of those hardworking fellers remaining. 1 out of 3 meals eaten by us is made possible because of honey bees! No wonder they have their own emoji . Believe it or not, their contribution to the world economy is hundreds of billions of dollars. BUT BEES...

Fri May 12, 2017 15:12

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