International technology news, business & culture
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BBC invests in 3D streaming startup behind broadcaster’s immersive live gigs

The BBC has invested £500,000 in a virtual events startup creating immersive gigs for the broadcaster. The UK-based Condense bills itself as the first company in the world to provide live streams of 3D videos in virtual spaces. Quietly, the startup recently began delivering these experiences to BBC audiences. Last month, Condense powered the BBC’s...

Wed Jun 19, 2024 02:07
Space forges, faster AI, and battlefield robots: NATO backs first 4 European startups

NATO has confirmed the first group of European startups and venture capital firms it’s investing in as part of its €1bn innovation fund. Officially launched in 2023, the NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) is a multi-sovereign VC fund that will back early-stage deep tech startups and VCs targeting emerging technologies with military and defence applications....

Tue Jun 18, 2024 13:49
How startups’ marketing and communications strategies are shifting in the US and Europe

If I had to describe European tech growth over the last few years with one word, it would be ‘disruptive’. While it may seem cliché, I’ve chosen this word for many reasons. Through a positive lens, European tech ‘disrupted’ many key sectors in the early 2020s, most notably Life Sciences, Energy Transition, and DeepTech — which are pretty ‘disruptive’...

Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:51
Why we need education-specific small language AI models

This article features an interview with Dan Rosensweig, who is speaking at TNW Conference on June 20. Check out the full event schedule here. Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform education for the better. But when ChatGPT launched in 2022, it caused schools and academia alike to panic. The AI model, able to reply to any question and...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 20:03
We don’t want AI writers in the newsroom, say humans

Most news readers from the UK and US are uncomfortable with AI-generated journalism, an extensive new survey has revealed. Like most journalists these days, I use AI sometimes — to help me transcribe an interview or summarise a text. But I have long opposed using AI to generate content. AI simply cannot be trusted to report the news. Researchers have...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 14:55
TNW Conference 2024: A spotlight on the EU’s space ambitions

As we count down to TNW conference in Amsterdam on June 20 and 21, we’re previewing the sessions that we’re most excited about. This year, we’re seeing the EU take several big leaps toward building a stronger and more competitive future in space. In an ambitious step towards greater autonomy, the EU issued a call for bids to develop its own constellation...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:36

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