Sinlessly Delicious Recipes
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Easy Vegan Lasagna Soup

Enjoy the flavors of lasagne without all the layering and prep work. This easy, plant-based lasagna soup combines noodles, tomatoes, mushrooms, white beans, and zucchini, so it’s a complete one-pot meal. Make it in about an hour!  When I started noticing lasagna soup recipes a couple of years ago, I thought, “Hmm, that’s interesting.” But I didn’t...

Fri Mar 1, 2024 00:01
Lentil, Mushroom, and Farro Soup

Is there anything more comforting on a cold, wet day than a steaming bowl of lentil soup? If there is, I haven’t found it yet. Other soups are also warm and inviting, but there’s something homey, something friendly, about lentil soup that warms me spiritually as well as physically. When cooler weather finally hit Louisiana, about a month or two after...

Sun Jan 28, 2024 01:25
Vegan Lemon Drizzle Cake

This small vegan lemon drizzle cake packs a big flavor. Optional pomegranate seeds add a tart crunch as well as a festive appearance. It can be soy-free or nut-free depending on the type of milk or yogurt you use. It’s been a while, almost 2 1/2 years, since I’ve updated this blog. I’ve been working behind the scenes, answering email, posting on...

Thu Dec 21, 2023 19:57
Vegan Yellow Squash and Corn Casserole

Golden slices of summer squash and kernels of corn are baked in a creamy sauce and topped with bread crumbs in this Southern-style vegan squash casserole. It’s the perfect summer side dish. Hi, my name is Susan, and I’m a vegan. It’s been so long since I updated this blog that I only half-humorously feel like I need to introduce myself again. For...

Sun Jul 25, 2021 18:36
Easy Scalloped Potatoes (Vegan Hash Browns Casserole)

These easy scalloped potatoes combine the creaminess of the classic side dish with the ease of frozen hash browns. You don’t even have to thaw them out! I thought I was finished writing about scalloped potatoes. I posted my first scalloped potatoes recipe in my second month of blogging, way back in 2006. Then ten years later I updated that recipe...

Sun Dec 13, 2020 20:22
Vegan Snickerdoodles – Soft, Chewy, and Oil-free Cookies

No one will believe that these chewy vegan snickerdoodles have absolutely no added oil. They bake up puffy and soft and taste just as good the next day. Try them and see why they’re the best oil-free cookies! Something about the nip of fall in the air has had me craving cinnamon. Or maybe it’s just October on the internet. Every time I turn around,...

Thu Oct 29, 2020 02:30

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