It's a Micro World after all - Thomas Joseph
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It's a Micro World after all - The rumors of my death ...

... have only been slightly exaggerated. Life certainly has been busy lately, but I have been keeping note of some items that I definitely wanted to blog on. In particular, my efforts to go fully-electronic in my lab/office dwelling. So, I'll be back soon to blog on those efforts as well as review some of the software/apps as well as hardware that...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
It's a Micro World after all - Wednesday Micro Hits

1. This article sums up the "Republican problem".  The money quote is as follows: Do not underestimate the willingness of a whole lot of Republicans to vote for someone that they want more than someone that they think can win. And that is the problem in a nut shell. What most Republicans fail to comprehend, or just don't care about, is that when you...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
Featured - Is it worth getting an education?

So maybe I'm not the best person to ponder this question, given that I already have several college degrees. Or, perhaps, that makes me emminently qualified to answer this question. Either way, the following article by John Stossel got me thinking (which is always a dangerous thing). Now, we're not talking about refusing to teach children. Rather,...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
It's a Micro World after all - Miscellany

After a couple weeks hiatus, which saw me run off and get hitched, honeymoon in the tropics, party with Mickey Mouse, and then try to settle back down into the daily grind, I am back (again). Not sure how regularly I'll be posting, because there are still plenty of manuscripts which need writing, data which needs analyzing, and experiments that need...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
It's a Micro World after all - It Gets Better

Came across the following blog entry at the Big League Stew. It is about a PSA from the SF Giants, combatting homophobia. It's targetted to LGBT teens to let them know that life does get better beyond the bullying and to not turn to suicide. It is done in conjunction with the It Gets Better Project. I'm sure there is a small portion of society that...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
It's a Micro World after all - Wednesday Micro Hits

1. This is one way to get a few vacation days. I suppose. Or would this fall under sick leave? 2. A fool and his money are soon parted. 3. For those finding themselves affected by flooding, take extra precautions against bacterial disease. A study conducted in 2004 (PDF, 8 pages) after flooding in Haiti showed good results from using PuR water treatment...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00

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