Inoreader helps you find and keep track of interesting stuff on the web and social networks. You can subscribe to your favorite websites and people on social networks and keep up with what's new. New content comes to your Inoreader when it's posted,
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App update: Seamless reading with enhanced offline mode

Picture this: You’re commuting on the subway, soaring high in the clouds, or hiking in the mountains without internet coverage. You’re craving some quality reading time, and now, with Inoreader, you’ve got a better way to do just that! Our latest update brings more freedom to your reading experience. Now, more sections of your mobile app are...

Wed Apr 10, 2024 15:36
New Single Sign-On (SSO) feature for Enterprise clients

In a fast-paced corporate landscape, efficiency and security are key. Managing employee accounts across various platforms can be a time-consuming task, not to mention it could open your organization up to security vulnerabilities. That’s why we’re happy to introduce our latest feature developed especially for Enterprise clients – SAML-based Single...

Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:09
Follow Bluesky RSS feeds in Inoreader

Bluesky, the exclusive microblogging social media platform featuring Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey on its board of directors, has taken a big leap toward connecting its invite-only community with the broader public. Now, you can easily follow individual Bluesky users through RSS feeds in Inoreader. Here’s everything you need to know: How to...

Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:31
Stay in the know with monitoring feeds

Next in our list of exciting 2024 updates, we’re introducing monitoring feeds – a feature bringing new organizational capabilities to enhance your workflow! Read on to explore their benefits: What are monitoring feeds? Monitoring feeds are the upgraded counterpart of monitored keywords, a feature designed to help Inoreader users stay...

Wed Jan 17, 2024 15:13
Manage shared feeds with new Team folders

New Year, new features! Inoreader’s Team plans now include shared folders, a flexible content management and collaboration tool. Dive in to learn more and find answers to your burning questions! What are Team folders? Think of them as shared assets that empower the entire Team by segregating personal feeds from organizational resources....

Fri Jan 5, 2024 10:21
3 ways to score the best holiday deals with Inoreader

It’s happening – Mariah Carey and Michael Bublé have woken up from their year-long slumber, marking the arrival of the holiday season. ‘Tis the time for cozy gatherings, family vacations, and elaborate plans to spend more time with those near and dear. And while some of us are caught up in the infectious holiday cheer, others find themselves grappling...

Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:12

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