Apple iPhone, Mac and iPad News Breaking All Day
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The M4 iPad Pro has a new privacy feature Apple hasn’t told anyone about

Over the last few years, Apple has built a reputation for being strong on user privacy. Its marketing likes to emphasize this point often as a way of distinguishing the company from its competitors. Interestingly though, a new discovery reveals that the just-released M4 iPad Pro includes a new security feature that Apple hasn’t told anyone about....

Mon Jun 3, 2024 18:25
For the first time since 2021, there won’t be any new hardware at WWDC this year

WWDC 2024 is just one week away. We’re expecting major changes from iOS 18, especially AI-centric features, as well as the first major software update for Vision Pro, and new OS versions for all of Apple’s other platforms. In what’s expected to be a jam-packed software event, is there room for Apple to debut new hardware too? According to one...

Mon Jun 3, 2024 18:25
Review: Sonos Ace sets the new standard for prosumer headphones [Video]

Sonos announced its new Sonos Ace Headphones in early May and, after much anticipation, are finally set to release on June 5th. I have been lucky enough to live with them for the last 10 days. I have used them in every scenario possible to see if these headphones are truly the new ‘Best in class’ and if I could recommend them at the $449 price point....

Mon Jun 3, 2024 18:25
TicketMaster hack sees personal data of 560M customers offered for sale

A TicketMaster hack has been confirmed by the company in an SEC security filing, stating that personal data of its users has been offered for sale on the dark web. The agency has not confirmed the scale of what appears to have been a massive breach … more…

Mon Jun 3, 2024 18:25
Foldable iPhone unlikely before 2027, says TrendForce; crease issue is key

A report last month suggested that we might see the first foldable iPhone in 2026, but market intelligence company TrendForce has described this as “unlikely.” The company, which monitors and forecasts demand for components, says that 2027 is the earliest date Apple is likely to launch a folding iPhone … more…

Mon Jun 3, 2024 18:25
Epic Games judge tells Apple she wants all of its decision-making documents

The judge in the Apple versus Epic Games case has told the Cupertino company that she wants to see all of the company’s documents relating to its revised App Store policies – and she has strongly emphasised that she means all of them. It follows earlier remarks in which she strongly implied that Apple was guilty of bad-faith compliance with the...

Mon Jun 3, 2024 15:25

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