Clean eating, Paleo, CrossFit, running, gymnastics, olympic lifting, and everything in between.
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Nutrition Challenge!

Hey gang!Happy New Year! I love 2019 already. Know why? Because my HUBBY COMES HOME THIS YEAR! There's nothing like time apart to really give you time to reflect on how much someone means to you. I feel the space where he's missing every day. Our home just isn't home without here. Have you set yourself some goals this year? Decided you finally want...

Thu Jan 3, 2019 19:51
Ditching Hormonal Birth Control: Month One

It's so crazy how much my thoughts & knowledge have changed regarding female hormones in the recent months. I'm almost ... protective of them now - motherly, maternal even. They're a part of me and I want to celebrate them. I want my female hormones to work for me, not against me. Understanding how your hormones can work for you AND against you...

Tue Nov 6, 2018 19:18
Stop Telling Me to Stay Busy

I think if someone else tells me to "Stay busy" one more time because I talk about missing my husband, I'm going to punch them in the teeth. Maybe the boob. Depends who they are. Telling a woman who runs and operates several businesses, owns a house, manages an almost-micro farm, several acres of property and lives alone - to stay busy - is SO ANNOYING....

Tue Nov 6, 2018 00:12
Bye Bye Hormonal Birth Control

It's been a week now since I posted to Instagram that I was quitting the pill. I've been on the Pill since I was 16 years young. That means that for more than half of my life, I have been on some form of synthetic hormone. GROSS. For more than just preventing pregnancy - but for so many other reasons that my doctors assured me the pill would cure. I...

Thu Oct 11, 2018 23:49

I survived the day! I was on my feet from 8am to 8pm, but I did it all. Allow me a moment to toot my productivity horn: Grocery shoppedMeal PreppedLaundryUnpacked (finally)Mowed the LawnCleaned the out-garageIn-processed new Nutrition ClientsStarted reviewing weekly check-insProgrammed for Remote Clients I had to fill the mower with gas for the first...

Mon Oct 8, 2018 17:22
When Things Don't Go To Plan

One of the hardest lessons I'm learning in life is that sometimes - things just don't go to plan. As an Army wife to a deployed servicemen, there's an attitude shift that has to happen to survive. Bend - don't break. Things will not go to plan. You can always have the best intentions, but some days are just not going to be in your favor. Give yourself...

Sun Oct 7, 2018 17:56


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