Evie's Sci Blog - Evie
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Featured - Huge step for commercial space!

SpaceX has had an incredible mission. They completed the preliminary maneuvers near the ISS, and were cleared to go ahead and get close enough to the station for the robotic arm to be able to grab hold of it. This was all successfully done, and the Dragon Capsule was brought in to dock with the station, making history, by being the first ever commercial...

Sat May 9, 2015 20:31
Featured - Final flight of the Shuttle

It would seem as though the end of an era is upon us. Tomorrow, will be the last scheduled launch of the NASA Space Shuttle. Or at least, that's what the current plan says. Never know with that Florida weather. Regardless of the date, there is only one mission left in the old bird. After which, NASA will recall it's vehicles, and the shuttle will...

Sat May 9, 2015 20:31
Featured - Athene's 'Theory of Everything' - A new take on neuroscience in relation to quantum physics

Earlier this week I was fortunate enough to speak with Chiren Boumaaza, aka Athene, who you may know as the extravagant internet celebrity, and professional gamer.If you haven't heard of him, he's a record holder in World of Warcraft and online poker, and plays the main character in a series of videos on a popular youtube channel with well over 340,000...

Sat May 9, 2015 20:31
Featured - Gravitational Waves and LISA

Back in the early 1900's, one of the many cool things Einstein found through his theory of General Relativity, was the theoretical existence of these things called Gravitational Waves. As their name suggests they are predicted to be ripples, or fluctuations in the curvature of Space-Time, that propagate the way waves would, emanating from a source...

Sat May 9, 2015 20:31
Evie's Sci Blog - Project for Awesome!

Hello boys and girls! Today's post is going to veer a bit from the usual science-y topics, and will be dedicated to increasing the world's awesome quotient.You may be thinking to yourself, 'Wow! Increasing world AWESOME sounds like a great idea! But, how can we do that?'Well I am glad you asked!As it turns out, there is a large group of people who...

Sat May 9, 2015 20:31
Featured - Cloaking and invisibility - Very cool new concept

Last week we heard that researchers from Imperial college London, have published a study dealing with newly engineered metamaterials. These materials allow for light hitting them to be sped up or slowed down. Doing this, creates a zone with effectively no light, rendering that zone, and everything in it, hidden from sight, or invisible. The press...

Sat May 9, 2015 20:31


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