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Felvidek review: a black comedy medieval RPG that’s all about honeyed words and grubby deeds

“When I was young,” the villager washing garments in the river says, “I thought it was enough to clean the dirty laundry once and be calm. Not that it will get dirty forever.” I’m not sure I’ve ever felt the crushing weight of universal entropic decay so keenly as in that RPG maker textbox, nested upon Felvidek’s nicotine-stain hues. I’ll need to...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 20:19
Can you guess which Australian TV sci-fi of the early 2000s inspired Citizen Sleeper 2?

No, it's not Silversun. Sit down, Brian. Let somebody else have a go at answering. Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector is a sci-fi RPG with plenty of dice and a heavy nod towards tabletop role-playing. The first Citizen Sleeper saw your bio-robotic protagonist landing on a donut-shaped space station where they learned to make a new life for themselves...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 20:19
Disco Samurai is a brutally difficult and brilliant Sekiro-like rhythm slasher

Disco Samurai is a game that’s so difficult I’d have given up playing sooner if it didn’t contain so many of my absolute favourite action game things. Tense, decisive duels. Violence that’s both brutal and a little silly. Scalpel-sharp parry n' strike back-and-forths. Short stages that dole out chunky progression hits of dopamine, as quickly as they...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 17:55
Alice B is leaving RPS, come say goodbye

On a Monday in early 2018, Adam Smith, Rock Paper Shotgun's deputy editor at the time, handed in his notice. On Thursday that same week, I emailed Alice Bell, a person I'd never spoken to before, to ask if she would consider applying for the role. Alice thought it over for a week, and then emailed her response: no. Thank god I was able to change...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 17:55
Activision QA supplier Lionbridge accused of retaliatory layoffs in "union busting" move

US labour union the CWA (Communications Workers of America) have filed Unfair Labor Practice charges against Activision QA supplier Lionbridge Technologies. As Game Developer reports, the CWA allege that Lionbridge fired an entire 160-person team in Idaho in retaliation for union-related activities. Read more

Wed Jun 12, 2024 14:12
Hotel Galactic is a cosy management game that aims to channel Spirited Away

I try to avoid describing video games in mathematical terms, but I can hardly avoid it here. Treasure Planet's flying galleons plus Spirited Away's bath house plus Spiritfarer's gentle building and management mechanics equals Hotel Galactic. Watch the trailer below and tell me I'm wrong. Read more

Tue Jun 11, 2024 22:02


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