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AARON KROLIK, 孟建国2024年7月26日时报的一项分析发现,设在香港文咸东街135号的空壳公司将受限制的军用技术运往俄罗斯。 Anthony Kwan for The New York TimesFrom a nondescript seventh-floor office at 135 Bonham Strand near Hong Kong’s financial district, at least four companies are operating with a shadowy mission: facilitating the illicit trade of Western technology to Russia.文咸东街135商业中心是离香港金融区不远的一栋办公大楼,在七楼一间不起眼的办公室,至少有四家公司经营着神秘的业务:促进将西方技术运到俄罗斯的非法交易。Shell...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 14:09

弗兰克·布鲁尼2024年7月26日 Drew Angerer/Getty ImagesIt’s always a good idea to pay attention to Nancy Pelosi and to judge where things are going by which direction she’s nudging them in, but that was especially true over the past few weeks. When she started sending President Biden signals that he should reconsider his candidacy, I felt almost certain that he’d...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:08

MEAGHAN TOBIN, CADE METZ2024年7月26日创业公司零一万物的联合创始人李开复。该公司今年推出了一款新技术,在全球最佳技术排行榜上名列前茅。 Krista Schlueter for The New York TimesAt the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai this month, start-up founder Qu Dongqi showed off a video he had recently posted online. It displayed an old photograph of a woman with two toddlers. Then the photo sprang...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:08

PAUL SONNE2024年7月26日俄罗斯军方周四公布的一张照片显示,一架中国轰炸机(左)和一架俄罗斯战斗机前一天在阿拉斯加附近进行联合巡逻演习。 Russian Defense Ministry, via ReutersRussia and China flew strategic bombers in a joint patrol exercise near Alaska, the first time they had conducted air drills together in that area, a pointed signal to Washington of their deepening military ties.俄罗斯和中国派出战略轰炸机在阿拉斯加附近进行联合巡逻演习,这是两国首次在该地区共同进行空中演练,此举向华盛顿发出了一个明确信号,表明两国军事关系正在不断深化。Two...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 07:05

KEITH BRADSHER2024年7月26日中国人民银行周四降低了一年期贷款成本,本周早些时候还下调了其他利率。 Jason Lee/ReutersChina’s central bank on Thursday cut a key interest rate, in Beijing’s second move this week to try to offset a weakening economy and a housing market crisis.中国央行周四下调了一个关键利率,这是中国政府本周第二次采取行动,试图弥补经济疲软和房地产市场危机的影响。The unexpected action came as stock markets fell sharply across most...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 05:05

ROGER COHEN2024年7月25日6月,一支美国仪乐队来到埃菲尔铁塔。在这座巴黎地标的脚下将是巴黎奥运会的沙滩排球场地。许多巴黎历史遗址将用于举办赛事。 There is a glorious folly to the Paris Olympics, the first in the city since 1924, as if France in its perennial revolutionary ardor took a century to ponder something unimaginable, the transformation of a great city into a stadium.自1924年以来首次在巴黎举行的奥运会散发着一股令人赞叹的傻气,仿佛这个永远洋溢着革命热情的国家花了一个世纪的时间来思考一件不可想象的事情——把一座伟大的城市变成一座体育场。The...

Thu Jul 25, 2024 14:58

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