438 followers 36 articles/week
Probiotics Are Great for Your Gut—but Can They Help You Poop When You’re Feeling Backed Up?

Our bodies are home to trillions of different microorganisms. These good bacteria (also known as probiotics) are found in all different parts of your body, including your skin, vaginal microbiome, and yes, even your gut. This is often why probiotic supplements for gut health are so popular, and why, if you’re backed up, probiotics may help you poop....

Sat Jun 15, 2024 16:09
Have Obsessive Thoughts About Working Out? You Could Be Dealing With ‘Exercise Noise.’ Here’s How To Turn Down the Volume

Figuring out when to fit in a workout between your job, family, friends, chores, or whatever other things you have going on in your life undoubtedly takes some planning and mental heavy lifting. Those runs, spin classes, or strength training sessions don’t just happen without a little forethought! But have you ever stopped to wonder how much time...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 15:12
Spending a Day in the Mountains? Here’s Exactly What To Eat From A.M. to P.M., According to an RD and an Athlete

Climbing up a tall mountain has different nutrition and hydration demands than powering through a workout at your local gym. As we transition into summertime outdoor activities like hiking, staying adequately nourished and hydrated should be top of mind. The best way to ensure you’re properly fueled (especially at those higher altitudes) greatly depends...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 14:13
How To Use a Pumice Stone Safely, According to Experts

Taking care of the skin on your feet is just as important as taking care of the skin on the rest of your body, which means your exfoliation and moisturizing routine should extend down to your toes. Maintaining soft feet can help eliminate cracked heels and calluses, and a pumice stone is a great exfoliation tool that can help you get there. Here, we...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 20:51
Yes, Magnesium Supplements Can Help You Poop—but Finding the Right Kind Is Key

You’ve likely heard that magnesium is an essential mineral that’s involved in hundreds of bodily processes—including muscle and nerve function. It’s also been having a moment lately because of its relaxing and sleep-inducing effects (looking at you, sleepy girl mocktail). What you might not know, though, is that when you’re backed up, magnesium may...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 16:23
The One Coffee-Drinking Habit a Sleep Expert Wants You to Kick (It’s Not Adding Sugar)

Your morning cup of joe doesn’t just help you power through the early hours of your day. Although you’ll get the biggest boost of caffeine after it goes down the hatch, research shows that its residual effects can linger for a very long time—even until bedtime. According to 2024 research, 99 percent of caffeine is absorbed within 45 minutes of consuming...

Thu Jun 13, 2024 16:17

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