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A Simple Tool To Create Effective Board Meetings

I don’t think I’ve met a founder that loves board meetings. They are a critical part of running a startup, but then can easily become low ROI activities consuming a ton of the time of the CEO and executive team and not helping the company move forward in a meaningful way.To make a board meeting effective, you need to enable an environment of brutally...

Wed Aug 9, 2023 19:26
A Breakdown of LinkedIn’s AI Assisted Growth Loop

In March, LinkedIn launched an AI assisted growth loop. Fareed Mosavat and I recorded a convo where we broke it down step by step. We were shocked when we looked up the stats. From March to June it went from generating 0 to 1M uniques per month according to Ahrefs and is on one of the steepest growth curves we’ve ever seen for a content loop. ...

Mon Jul 31, 2023 19:23
The Hypotheses Behind Reforge’s Journey From $0 to $30M

The first thing I ever created (even before incorporating) for Reforge was a Business Hypothesis Canvas. Here is the actual one I wrote for Reforge in 2016.If you are like me, when I get a new business my idea my brain runs in a million different directions. The Business Hypothesis Canvas helped me:Structure the brain chaos into something coherent.Force...

Mon Jul 24, 2023 19:53
How To Launch A Product or Feature To Maximize Growth

Superhuman was founded in 2015 (3ish years ago at the time of writing this). From their landing page, they are building “The Fastest Email Experience Ever Made.” To this day, you can still not sign up and instantly gain access to their product. Yet, they have received more press, word of mouth, and funding than 95%+ of other products. Why? Because...

Thu Jan 24, 2019 17:07
Don't Let Your North Star Metric Deceive You

We’ve all heard the rallying cry of the “One Metric That Matters”.Choose your north star and focus. Grow 7% week over week. If you grow DAUs, the rest will follow.But blindly buying into the concept of the one metric that matters (OMTM) is a fatal oversimplification.In a recent essay, Casey Winters, formerly Growth at Pinterest, says:“The search for...

Thu Jan 11, 2018 18:40
6 Mistakes Growth Candidates Make in the Interview Process

Get the customizable Growth Interview Prep Worksheet that accompanies the post here.You walk into your growth interview after hours of preparation. You’ve perfected your 2 minute pitch, polished your work stories, and maybe even done some case prep. You’re ready to showcase your achievements and you have an answer ready for any question they throw at...

Tue Sep 26, 2017 21:21

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