The ramblings of one Jason Santa Maria.
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Fundamentals of Web Typography on Skillshare

There’s too much to know, so why bother. I’m not creative. I can’t tell the difference between them. I just want something that looks good. I’ll just use whatever is on my computer. I’ve listened to more than a few people lament that typographic knowledge feels impenetrable. Too many pitfalls, foundries, considerations, and the sheer number of...

Thu Jul 27, 2017 20:07

In his article “Ordinary Plenty” Jeremy Keith looks at the value of the all digital stuff we make, and their ability to last or not. Preservation is a topic dear to my heart, and one I have a lot of feelings about that I often have trouble putting to words. Thankfully, Jeremy thinks, writes, and talks a lot about this stuff, so I can usually just read...

Fri Feb 13, 2015 17:54
All the Domains

I register a lot of domain names. Chances are if you’re reading this, you probably have at least a few yourself. Only a handful of mine are in active use. All the others represent a good intention I had to make an awesome website. The domains all start innocently enough: it could be a funny turn of phrase I hear while out with some friends; an overheard...

Mon Dec 29, 2014 22:55
The Sweatpants of Typefaces

I’m a little late to the game, but The Last Word on Helvetica by John Boardley is spot on. It’s well worth a read if you are plagued by the notion of Helvetica being a neutral typeface, or are wondering why some might consider it “the sweatpants of typefaces.” (I do too) Ostensibly, my only gripe with Helvetica (designed by Max Miedinger & Eduard Hoffmann)...

Mon Dec 22, 2014 22:54
Responsive Responsibility

Just over four years ago Ethan Marcotte penned the article “Responsive Web Design”, and a year later we published his book by the same name at A Book Apart. It’s no stretch to say that both have gone on to shape the very way we design websites now. I think Ethan and his work are brilliant. He’s also as gracious and humble as they come, so he’s the...

Fri Dec 5, 2014 17:57
Alien: Typeset in the Future

Dave Addey is at it again with another well documented and thoroughly enjoyable piece on the typography from Alien. Typography, sci-fi, film… this touches on all my favorite things. In her final recorded message before hypersleep, Ripley notes that she is the sole survivor of the Nostromo. What she forgets to mention is that she has not once in the...

Fri Dec 5, 2014 01:49

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