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36 followers 104 статті/тиждень
My Favorite Shelving Units to Maximize Your Storage (and One I Don't Recommend)

A major tenet of any good decluttering philosophy is that every item you don't get rid of must have a designated place in your home. Depending on the size of your living space (and your personal preferences), this can pose a problem. I've lived in a number of small apartments over the years, and have found that shelving units and bookcases work best...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 03:25
This Dell Monitor Is on Sale and Comes With a $50 eGift Card

Dell is having its Summer Sale with many deals on computers, monitors, laptops, and gaming computers going for up to $500 off. One particular monitor stands out from the rest for its price and bonus gift: the Dell 24 Monitor S2425HS is $107.99 (originally $139.99) after using promo code "MONITORS10" and it comes with a $50 Dell Promo eGift Card. ...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 02:24
Ventoy Is a Better Way to Make a Bootable Disk for PC and Linux

It doesn't matter whether you're test driving Linux or installing Windows—making a bootable drive is an annoying process. What if you could format a hard drive for booting once and then simply drag ISO files onto it in order to boot from them? That's what Ventoy offers.Why would anyone want an external hard drive or thumb drive full of bootable operating...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 02:24
What to Expect From Apple at WWDC 2024

Apple's WWDC 2024 is nearly here. In just a matter of days, we'll get our first look at major new software announcements from Cupertino, including iOS 18, macOS 15, and all the AI features in between. This is going to be a big year for Apple, and Apple users alike. When is WWDC 2024?WWDC 2024 (or WWDC24, as Apple is stylizing it) is scheduled for June...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 01:25
The Best Cleaning Upgrades I've Made Lately

There was a long period in my life where I believed everything could and should be cleaned with Windex. While this saved me a lot of money, it wasn’t really practical or useful when it came to actually cleaning my home, but I’m someone who believes in always growing and evolving, so I swapped Windex for better products and kept moving deeper into adulthood,...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 01:25
Here's How Many Reps You Should Do, Depending on Your Fitness Goals

When you lift a weight, how many times should you lift it? Supposedly, there’s a correct “rep range” to use to build strength, and a different rep range to build muscle size, or endurance, or to “tone.” But how much of the oft-repeated wisdom is true? Not as much as you’d think. What are reps and sets? Just so we’re on the same page here: if you pick...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 00:25

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