Latest Science News Articles not published in the print magazine.
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Imaging scans show where symbols turn to letters in the brain

Scientists watched brain activity in a region where reading takes root, and saw a hierarchy of areas that give symbols both sound and meaning.

Mon Aug 19, 2019 22:50
Electrodes show a glimpse of memories emerging in a brain

Nerve cells in an important memory center in the brain sync their firing and create fast ripples of activity seconds before a recollection resurfaces.

Mon Aug 19, 2019 15:59
Climate misinformation may be thriving on YouTube, a social scientist warns

Analyzing 200 climate-related videos on YouTube shows that a majority challenge widely accepted views about climate change and climate engineering.

Mon Aug 19, 2019 14:00
Murray Gell-Mann’s ‘totalitarian principle’ is the modern version of Plato’s plenitude

The ancient principle of plenitude is reborn in the modern belief that whatever can exist must exist.

Sun Aug 18, 2019 15:52
Alzheimer’s targets brain cells that help people stay awake

Nerve cells in the brain that are tied to wakefulness are destroyed in people with Alzheimer’s, a finding that may refocus dementia research.

Fri Aug 16, 2019 19:29
A new FDA-approved drug takes aim at a deadly form of tuberculosis

The antibiotic could help tackle extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, which kills tens of thousands each year.

Fri Aug 16, 2019 13:33

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