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The Havana Club dispute rumbles on

One of the longest legal battles in the history of the drinks industry around the Havana Club name grinds on through America’s courts. Bacardi has won an appeal to revive its fight to use the Havana Club name. It has been given permission to sue the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) which had previously ruled that Cuba’s government-owned...

Thu Jun 20, 2024 18:59
All the medallists from the Global Carmenere Masters 2024

It may have a chequered history, but Carmenere has found its home in the vineyards of Chile, becoming the country’s emblematic grape. Patricia Stefanowicz MW reports. Carmenere is a name that should flow across the tongue of any astute wine drinker. The wines from this once almost unknown grape variety are a treasure trove and prove excellent...

Thu Jun 20, 2024 17:59
Only 11% of Brits know what Pet Nat is

Only one in nine (11%) Brits have an understanding of what Pet Nat is, according to a new wine report by Marks & Spencer. The first ever wine report compiled by UK retailer M&S has revealed some confusion in Great Britain about what, exactly, Pet Nat is. Many of those surveyed for the report mistook Pet Nat for a piece of winemaking...

Thu Jun 20, 2024 14:00
The complete guide to Bordeaux en primeur 2023

An immersive, detailed digital guide to the entire Bordeaux en primeur 2023 from correspondent Colin Hay has been launched by the drinks business. The detailed and comprehensive report by db Bordeaux correspondent Colin Hay, takes an appellation-by-appellation approach, and also provides a detailed analysis of the overall campaign, tasting...

Thu Jun 20, 2024 13:00
The most extensive Rhône tasting ever in London

Come for the tasting of more than 100 white wines — stay for the party. After the resounding success of the Rhône in White launch party last year, the event is back. The event is the most extensive tasting of white wines from the Rhône that London has ever seen. On Tuesday 25 June, you’ll be able to taste over 100 white wines from across...

Thu Jun 20, 2024 13:00
Hans Astrom steps down as Klein Constantia vice chair

Klein Constantia has announced that Hans Astrom, vice chairman and former managing director, will be stepping down at the end of September after 12 years with the estate. CEO Pascal Asin paid tribute to Astrom, stating: "With 12 years at Klein Constantia and over 30 years in the wine industry, Hans's departure marks the end of an era for...

Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:01

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