I will share my journey with you on my quest for achieving an increasing dividend income stream from stocks with above average dividend growth, which consistently increase their distributions over time.
39 followers 2 статті/тиждень
Petience, Persistence, Perseverance

Successful investing boils down to Patience, Persistence and Perseverance.You need the patience to wait for the right company to hit the right entry price. You then need the patience to buy it and wait patiently through the ups and downs for the thesis to work out. You then need the patience to ignore the noise, and stay the course through the ups and...

Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:09
Six Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With Raises

I review the list of dividend increases every week, as part of my monitoring process. This exercise helps me to monitor developments in existing holdings. It also helps me to potentially identify companies for further research.I usually focus on companies with a ten year streak of annual dividend increases, in an effort to weed out cyclical companies....

Mon Sep 16, 2024 11:55
Intrinsic Value

Price is what you pay, value is what you get- Warren Buffett  The market for stocks goes above and below intrinsic value all the time. Share prices are more volatile than cash flows. Share prices are more volatile than dividends too.Even for large blue chip companies, share prices tend to be too volatile. This can be evident when reviewing P/E ratios...

Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:22
Two Dividend Raises From Last Week

I review the list of dividend increases every week, as part of my monitoring process. This exercise helps me monitor existing holdings and identify companies for further research.I typically focus on companies that have managed to increase dividends for at least a decade. This helps me focus on those companies that have the durability of a business...

Mon Sep 9, 2024 12:34
Peter Lynch on Big Winners and Patience

The companies that do well, look out five, six, seven years, and some decisions they make may not be the right thing for the next year.”Peter Lynch The typical big winner generally takes three to ten years or more to play out.I was reminded of this quote by Peter Lynch as I was reviewing the results from Hubbell (HUBB)You can see that the company has...

Sat Sep 7, 2024 19:54
Mistakes of Omission

According to Buffett, his biggest mistakes by far have been mistakes of omission. For example, in a talk founder Bill Gates in 1998 at the University of Washington Business School, Buffett explained:"I've made all kinds of bad decisions that have cost us billions of dollars. They've been mistakes of omission rather than commission. I don't worry about...

Wed Sep 4, 2024 13:30

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