Helping authors and publishers make smart decisions in the digital age
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Attention, Please! 7 Drug-Free Concentration Boosters for Writers with ADHD

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash Today’s post is by Maggie Langrick, publisher at Wonderwell Press. Writing takes an enormous amount of discipline, even for the most dedicated and productive writers. For those living with ADD/ADHD, it can be especially challenging. The hallmark symptoms of ADHD such as impulsivity, distractability,...

Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:28
Moving Characters Around in Your Story Space: Improve Your Choreography Skills

AI-generated image (ChatGPT): depict a woman standing on the other side of a round dining table, looking out of a window, historic and romantic aesthetic. Today’s post is by author and book coach Susanne Dunlap. One aspect of writing that writers have the most trouble with (and, ahem, so do I) is simply the physical presence and...

Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:13
How to Create a Believable Magic System in Your Fantasy Story

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash Today’s post is by developmental editor and book coach Hannah Kate Kelley. What is a magic system? A magic system is a map establishing where magic comes from and how it works. It contains a structured set of rules and principles of magical powers in a work of fiction. Like geography,...

Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:57
The Florence (Italy) Enigma for Creative People

Photo by Pavle Stankovic on Unsplash Note from Jane: As many of you know, I recently attended my very first writing retreat in April, on a transatlantic cruise aboard the Queen Mary 2. And I’ve become something of a convert now that I’ve observed the power of writing retreats after 20 years of intense conference speaking. The intimacy and relationships...

Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:07
Like It or Not, Publishers Are Licensing Books for AI Training—And Using AI Themselves

AI-generated image using prompt “book publishing executives receiving lots of money from a technology company.” Apart from their love of oversized cash, notice their whiteness. The following article condenses material that I’ve been writing about for the last 18 months in my paid newsletter, The Hot Sheet. The train has left the...

Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:09
The Platform Authors Need Now (That Isn’t Social Media)

Today’s guest post is by Allison K Williams (@guerillamemoir). Join her on the weekend of July 20–21 for the online intensive class Zero-to-Platform Bootcamp. For many writers, platform is a dirty word. You hear “platform” and think selling and shilling and sacrificing privacy. You think of precious writing moments sucked into...

Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:05


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