All things related to doing, building, fixing things on your own. **Do it yourself!**
675 followers 378 cikk/hét
My neighbor is selling a lot of his stuff in a moving sale and is a handyman. What are some must-have tools a newer homeowner should look out for?

The neighbor is moving and downsizing into an RV, so a lot of stuff he’s selling (although I haven’t gone over to look at it all yet). I have a miter saw, power drill, workbench, most screwdrivers and drill bits, mowers and snowblower etc. I’ve been hoping to build up my tool collection but don’t know with what tools to start. Any tips? submitted...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 20:42
How can I safely structure a platform for a couch, with enough space for a trundle beneath?

submitted by /u/odd_ender [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 9, 2024 20:42
My son and i tried to make our own Podracer from Star wars.

Hello! My son ( 5 years old ) and i usually build and create things from star wars on our freetime. We have made a couple of Gonk droids but we wanted to try something else. So this time we wanted to build a Podracer. We made this from old junk we had at home. Like old babybottles, strings, cardboard and things like that. My son choose the colors...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 20:42
Do I have to start over?

A buddy dropped off left over water based stain as a kind gesture so I could stain my deck. I always use a spray gun, it’s faster and I’m good with one. I was wearing a mask and didn’t notice it smelled like paint thinner until I was done. Called the buddy and he said since he knows I use a spray gun, he diluted it with paint thinner. But it’s a...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 20:42
Backside of retaining wall

We had a large retaining wall built around our pool. I’m not thrilled with the backside. What would yall do? Stucco? I’m not sure if I want to plant anything back there just yet. submitted by /u/4DogNight1313 [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 9, 2024 20:42
Suggestions on getting this shelf mounted on a plaster wall please

Hello! I've never seen this kind of mount before and was hoping someone could suggest a way to mount it on plaster. Right now I was planning on drilling holes through it and using toggle bolts to hang in up but I'm open to other suggestions submitted by /u/598ninja [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 9, 2024 20:42

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