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Understanding the Impact of Google Consent Mode For Your Business in 2024

In a report from May 2023, Google states that “with Consent Mode in place, Air France’s visible conversions rose by 9% across Europe” after experiencing a 20% drop in conversions due to recent cookie guidance compliance. How can a company benefit from more accurate measurement as privacy regulations become increasingly strict? Consent Mode is...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 14:11
Target Audience: My Tips for Finding the Perfect Fit [+ 5 Campaign Examples]

Recently, I noticed that every time I Google a product or service I want to buy — let’s say, available apartments for rent — I start getting ads on Instagram and Facebook from several companies offering this service. I’m sure you can relate, too! This happens because we are those companies’ target audience. Every product and service has a target...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 14:11
How I Write SMART Goals and Make Them a Reality [+ Free SMART Goal Templates]

When I started my career as a content writer, one of my biggest mistakes was underestimating the importance of systems and frameworks. Despite working tirelessly to achieve my goals of booking clients and expanding my skill set, I struggled to make meaningful progress. Over time, I learned that while goals were important, a structured approach...

Fri Jul 26, 2024 14:11
Disruptive AI Video Trends that are Transforming Marketing in 2024

AI-generated video content is turning the marketing world on its head. But what trends should marketers be focusing on to stay ahead of the competition? If you've been following the latest buzz in AI marketing trends — and you should be — you know that AI video tools are at the forefront of this change. Whether it’s trained ad avatars or hyper-personalized...

Thu Jul 25, 2024 16:24
AI Experiment: Hacking HubSpot Chat to Improve the Customer Experience

We integrated AI into our website chat and our KPIs flew off the charts. Here’s exactly how we did it and what we learned along the way. Key Outcomes: 43% increase in chat conversion rates >50% improvement in the value per chat CSAT scores matched human-led interactions I like to joke that one of my dumbest moments in early HubSpot...

Thu Jul 25, 2024 14:24
How to Create a Social Media Report [Free Template]

Social media is one of the most powerful channels I’ve used in my marketing career. In fact, it’s one of the channels with the highest ROI this year. I’ve found that creating a social media report template is a great place to start when deciding on what you want to include in your social media strategy. Successful social media marketing isn’t...

Thu Jul 25, 2024 14:24

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